Lhosar  Easy to say in  but here what is Lhosar? i am clearing here This means New Year of Buddhist culture A actuly come two words join that make Lhoshar like Lho and Shar “Lho means Year and “Sar Means Starts New years starts competition is generally celebrated by most of Sherpa community all around the world celebrate as New Year. virtually Lhosar suggests that year and frequently falls throughout the month of Gregorian calendar month. throughout this era the foremost Buddhist monasteries and stupas like Swoyambhunath, Boudhanath area unit embellished with prayer flags. Throughout this merry season folks perform their cultural dance and welcome the year with feasts and family gatherings. The dances area unit typically seen in Khumbu, Helambu and Boudhanath in capital of Nepal. This competition is generally celebrated by Sherpa Gurung, Tamang, Magar, Thakali, Manange, Helmuli and Tibetan. The competition is generally celebrated by Gurungs.

Lhosar Festival in Nepal

In fifteenth poush, fifteen Magh by Tamang and fifteenth Falgun by Sherpa. Government of Asian country|Asian nation} has started giving publication of late from 2057 since Nepal is multi ethnic, multi spiritual and multi cultural country. per-the Buddhist tradition. Gyalpo Loshar, Tola and Sonam Loshar aren’t celebrated as year however simply festivals of farmers. Among these the most Lhosar is Gyalpo Lhosar made by Manjushree.

In the eve of Lhosar the Lama (priest) chant the holy books establishing the sculpture of Buddha at every and each home of Buddhist. Here, the members of the family say happy New year salute Buddha and burn scented sticks because the a part of the ritual. when the Lhosar competition the year ends.

Manai RimDu Festival 

Mani Rimdu is one in every of the most important festivals of the Asian country in the Khumbu region. Throughout this era the native Asiatic in addition because the Tibetan communities gather and celebrate in monastic community. Mani Rimdu is well known because the success of formation of Buddhism in Tibet by Guru Rinpoche. Sherpa from the Khumbu region take in Thenboche religious residence from where we are able to witness the picturesque read of Mt Mount Everest additionally as Amadablam. Throughout the festive session the  10 days of nonstop prayer is completed that is devoted to patron deities asking blessing from god to all or any the human beings.

This 3 day celebration begins with processing of horns afterward the monks start to chant the prayers within the monastery. The folks attaining the prayers area unit blessed and showered with water and auspicious pellets permanently luck and longevity. The second day of celebration is started with and orchestra of cymbals, horns, flutes and univalve shells. With the music performed by the orchestra the monks in colorful robes and big beetle-bowed masks perform dance representing the destruction of evil. On the third or Last Judgment of celebration Tormas( figure created of dough) area unit relegated to the sacred fireplace that signifies the tip of negative energy and new dawn of a consecrated New Year.

World heritage site listed Baudhanath