We are Your Travel Partner in Himalaya

GOVT. REGD. NO: 170948/074/075 | TOURISM NO.: 2377/074

Great Panorama Legal Document

Legal Document of Great panorama Treks Company

We are Great Panorama Treks and Expedition. We are fully registered with Nepal Government, Nepal Tourism Board, Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) Trekking agency association of Nepal  (TAAN) Business of small Cottage Company (PAN) Company (VAT) and for Foreigner Money Changeable Nepal national Bank (NRB) so we are truly carefully doing our business under TAX, VAT. 

Nowadays, many people are making companies, but they are all not registered with Nepal Government, and they can do anything with you so when you Trek, Tour or book any types of activities in Nepal please go through the registered Trekkingcompany even they are cheap. If you choose us, then we can provide you with a good and memorable trip. 


Registered with Tourism board 

Company Pan Number

Registered with Nepal Government

Registered with Small cottage 
Registered with (NMA)

Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN)

 Nepal Rastra Bank Lisance


Thanks for visit our Company Legal Documents

Note: It is illegal to Copy and print private Company Certificate